Beginner Homeschool Made Easy

If you find yourself suddenly and reluctantly homeschooling, take heart! You can start with the easy stuff and work your way up. 

Sarah helping her Gram wash dishes

Truly, one of the most important things you can do for your children is to focus on developing their life skills. I promise there will be plenty of time to tackle all the subjects they will need to learn for college admission. But, life skills really  are more important. So if you’ve plunged into homeschooling and feel overwhelmed, simply take a few months to focus on these skills. When your family uses the Real Life University method and mindset, you will never waste a day! Learning happens all the time, and RLU taps into it. 

Check out our family’s Real Life University Checklist, and then you decide what skills to include in your very own RLU Checklist. Your list may be shorter or longer than mine, and you can choose skills that are perfect for your child. Unlike a math test, when you design your own RLU Checklist there are no right or wrong answers! Just choose what your child should know- things you wish you had know as a young adult, things you had to learn the hard way, or abilities you believe will help your child be capable when he or she grows up. 

Prepping the green beans for supper

Most kids today lack many of these basic skills, and traditional classroom school may have left your family very little time to develop these important abilities with your child. But, homeschooling gives your family the time and freedom to practice these vital skills together. 

For specific ideas about how to teach Real Life University to your new homeschooler, click here and let me show you just how simple it is to help your young child begin developing skills to last a lifetime!

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