Children and Lies

To teach a child to write well we must expose that child to excellent literature.

To teach a child to spell correctly we must expose that child to words spelled correctly.

To teach a child multiplication facts we must drill the correct facts through repeated exposure.

What we want them to be, we show them. We immerse them in what we desire for them.

But, if we give our students poorly written materials full of misspelled words they will become poor writers who cannot spell. If we teach a child from a math book full of incorrect answers to the problems, the child will learn to derive the wrong answer when they add, subtract, or multiply.

To teach a child a lie you must expose them to it. When teaching lies, the more they see and hear the lies, the better.

To cause children to rebel against parental authority, we must tell them that they are their own gods.

To ensure a child is intrigued and titillated by perversion and pedophilia, we must show the child graphic images of that immorality.

Children become warped when they are exposed to lies repeatedly.

Perhaps you recognize some of these lies being taught now to children?
Everything in the world somehow came from nothing.
Animals are people, too.
Human life is not special.
Women can become men.
Men can have babies.
Babies in the womb are not human.
Children can have sex with adults.
People can become animals.
Humans control the climate.
You are your own god.
Your feelings must dictate your actions.
Follow your heart.
Do what feels right.
Silence anyone who offends you.
Reality is inside a screen.
You do you.
Reject any facts you don’t like.
Your truth is better than THE truth.

These damaging lies used to be tucked discretely into curricula and children’s cartoons. They were peddled quietly by a relatively small group of agenda-driven nuts. No longer. Now, the cat is out of the bag and no parent anywhere in this country can claim ignorance. We all know exactly what is happening to our young people.

If you turn your child over to a system that has been weaponized against basic morality then you are choosing to steep your child in lies.

Parents are without excuse. The goal of neoliberalism is to destroy your family by teaching your child to reject you and your ideals, your instruction, and your faith. We are warned of this in scripture. We have seen it play out over and over in history. We are not truly surprised by the audacity of these filth-peddlers; but many parents choose to act surprised and feign ignorance when their children drown by the very cesspool into which they tossed them.

You get one shot. One chance to train up a child. You get one life to show them the way. And you really only have today; we are not promised tomorrow. What could be more important than teaching our children to recognize and love truth? Stop abdicating your duty. Quit wimping out. Let them grow up in the peace and security of truth. If parents don’t stand up for truth and rescue our children from this planned destruction, we condemn millions of young people to the misery of living by lies. And the author of lies rejoices.

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