
Often moms get overwhelmed, thinking that they have no control over their lives. I mean, after all, your little ones wake you up before the roosters or keep you up late. Kids get sick at the most inconvenient times. Dirty laundry seems to multiply while you sleep. Someone is always hungry, in need of a bath, or in need of a nap. And no matter how badly you need a break, or even an uninterrupted trip to the bathroom, sometimes it proves impossible. Motherhood starts to feel like a ride on a runaway train. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. The fact is, we moms have control over how our days flow and how our family culture develops. You read that right. Moms control it. 

If daily life body-slams you, leaving you stressed and frustrated, there’s good news and there’s bad news. Let’s get the bad news out of the way. 

The bad news is that you created this monster, or you at least fed and watered it. Moms set the tone for the whole family. Whether we realize it or not, we lay the tracks for our family train, and for the most part, our family is along for whatever ride we design. If your life is out of control, you need to break the habits that are causing the chaos. The good news is, you can! 

Here is how I stopped feeling overwhelmed and started loving life with my family. These two daily habits will really change your perspective and 

let your family thrive. 


First thing in the morning, be thankful out loud for the people in your home. 

Every morning, say the names of your husband and children out loud in a prayer of thanksgiving. Your family is precious, right? Then why would you express gratitude for your food and home and friends and health, but not name your most treasured earthly blessing? Start thanking God for the gift of your husband and each child, before your feet hit the floor in the morning, and watch the positive shift you’ll create. 

Visual Goals

Write specific goals. Hang them up. Read them often. 

This is a game-changer. I did this when my kids were little, and it worked like a reset button, even on my most frazzled days. I hung them in the places I frequented: above my kitchen sink, on the bathroom mirror, and on the wall across from the chair where I rocked my babies. Simple goals help refocus your heart and mind, so your actions toward your family will change. And if you face a particular struggle, find a scripture and goal that fits your life, print it and hang it up. Then let it speak good changes into your days. Here are some of the reminders I’ve used, so perhaps they can help you, too. And scroll down where you can download these as free printables for your home!

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I am happy to share these free designs for your home. So print them out and enjoy the positive family changes you’ve been longing to see. You’re truly in control!

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