Family Bible Time

Family Bible Time

Love starts at home. A few weeks ago we snapped this pic during our evening Family Time.

Since the devil prowls like a lion every day, we need this daily time to be strengthened by the Word. It’s a frightening thought that many children receive more hours of education from the world each day, than they do from the God who made them in His image. Christian parents must do better, for His glory. 

Young mothers, I exhort you to never be distracted from the priority of Bible study together with your family. With babies and toddlers and sleep-deprivation I know it is easy to think you really don’t have time. It may seem like it’s not worth the effort. You may think your little ones aren’t getting anything out of it.

I remember when we started this with only Raelynn and Haden. With our preschooler and a baby, we kept it simple. We recited one memory verse, prayed with the children and sang one verse of Trust and Obey each night. We did this same thing over and over. But, it set a habit of Family Time that grew and became a part of every day through four kids, up through the teen years. And Family Time is still enjoyed by our adult kids. 

Just do it. If I could only pick my one favorite thing from our whole family culture, it would be our daily Family Time. Moms, support your husband so he can lead it. Put it in your schedule. Make supper time fit around it. Or, get up early for it. Change your commitments so it can happen daily. Write it in your planner. Make the time for it. You will never, never, never regret spending time with your children studying what God has to say. 

As our family grew and grew up, our Family Time grew, too. In this picture, we were listening to a video lesson through Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Some nights we sing hymns and pray. Some nights the kids take turns reading scripture aloud. We’ve memorized long passages from the Bible. Through the decades we’ve shared articles in Discovery Magazine, discussed topics found in Reason and Revelation, and discussed lessons from House to House & Heart to Heart. We’ve enjoyed lessons from Polishing the Pulpit. Sometimes we still read the Egermeier’s Story Bible and discuss it. Sometimes we talk and pray about current events in light of God’s word. We’ve had wonderful discussions with our children, and our family has counted it our privilege to pray for many of you through the years in our daily time together! 

Seriously, Family Time will always be my very favorite thing. If I can help encourage you as you build this habit in your home, drop me a message! Love starts at home.

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