Meet your coaches!

Meet your coaches!

It’s time to schedule your in-person homestead coaching session with Mike & Brenna Rhodes of Pecan Bluff Farm! We are booking now so hurry and reserve your spot – serving the following counties: McLennan, Bell, Bosque, Coryell, Falls, Hamilton, Hill, & Limestone

What to Expect

Our in-person coaching sessions will consider your dreams and goals and help troubleshoot any challenges you have encountered in the past. We can evaluate your soil, water, light, and grazing potential. We can help you determine the best placement of gardens, livestock pens, barns and outbuildings, roads, woodpiles, compost piles, and anything else your homestead needs. We can show you the potential your property holds, so your homestead can work for you. Our science and agriculture backgrounds coupled with our decades of experience can help you.

Once you book a session, we will email you to ask for some basic information about your property so we are can hit the ground running when we meet.

We follow up by email with you after the session and will always do our best to help you succeed and meet your goals as quickly as possible.

Learn to Be More Self-Sufficient

The state of Texas is rugged and homesteading here is a challenge. But, we are excited to help you make the most of your property and the natural resources you have. We work with existing homesteaders who want to become more productive. We work with dreamers who need to plan and learn how to look for property that meets their goals. We can even help homesteaders who got off to a good start but encountered problems along the way. We love helping you determine the correct number of animal units for your farm, helping you choose the right kinds of livestock, and teaching you how to grow the most productive garden possible.

Get to Know Your Coaches

We have 25 years of experience living off the land in central Texas. We can teach you how we grow fresh and wholesome food for our family of six, including fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, pork, beef, and poultry. We can teach you to make your own compost, build your own soils, and become practically zero-waste. We can even advise you on how to process your own livestock as we do. Our personalized coaching is specific to your property, your resources, and your needs.

We have BS degrees from Texas A&M in Agronomy and Wildlife & Fisheries Science. We developed our homestead using a practical and proven science-based approach. We know what works from years of experience, and we love teaching and sharing what we’ve learned. We want you to succeed and become more self-sufficient. Sound like your dream farm? Let us help make your dreams come true!

Your Personal Homestead Coach

Our coaching includes these exciting features:

  • help plan your homestead from scratch
  • troubleshoot problems you have already faced
  • help fine tune your working homestead

Your Coaching Session Includes:

  • 2 hour minimum personal session at your homestead or your home
  • Personal email follow-up afterward
  • 20% off any future coaching sessions you book

Coaching Fee

  • $299 within McLennan county
  • add a travel fee of $29 if your property is located in an adjacent county)


If you are outside our 8 county service area but would like to arrange for coaching, we are happy to provide a quote for you.

Questions? Please email us at