Cheesy Sausage Bake

Cheesy Sausage Bake

I love any meal that cooks up all-in-one. I created this Cheesy Sausage Bake recipe one night, because I was…

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Often moms get overwhelmed, thinking that they have no control over their lives. I mean, after all, your little ones…

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3 Secrets Every Airbnb Superhost Knows

3 Secrets Every Airbnb Superhost Knows

I manage a sweet little country cottage in a tourist hotspot, and I’m proud to be Airbnb Superhost. In the…

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Real Life University-Join Us!

Real Life University-Join Us!

What is Real Life University? Real Life University is a systematic method of studying certain skills and experiences which we…

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If you love family, gardening, and cooking from scratch we are gonna get along great. I’m also passionate about adoption…

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5 Keys to Garden Success

5 Keys to Garden Success

Anyone can become a great gardener. Just start with these basic tips, then dig in and get your hands dirty….

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My Tech Team

My Tech Team

This is my talented tech team, our daughter Raelynn. She is working on her BS degree in Agribusiness at Tarleton…

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Year-Round Gardening

Year-Round Gardening

Lately a lot of folks have asked us how they can get started homesteading! Well, we’ve been living off the…

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