Real Life University-Join Us!

Real Life University-Join Us!

What is Real Life University?

Real Life University is a systematic method of studying certain skills and experiences which we want our children to master before they graduate homeschool. These things are not taught in textbooks, but must be practiced and lived. My husband and I created a curriculum to make sure we cover all our goals, from the simple to the complex. RLU is appropriate for any age, from preschool on up. You can begin at any stage of a child’s development. RLU is fully customizable, and you can tailor it to fit your family and your goals for your children.

Your Family Needs Real Life University

  • RLU teaches children to be thankful and to be joyful

Do you long for your children to respect you and their siblings? Do you wish they knew the value of the money you earn? Do you wish they were more grateful? The truth is, a child needs to be trained to be thankful, and RLU is the way to teach children to have genuine gratitude for all the good things in their lives. Believe it or not, RLU even teaches kids to enjoy work. Grateful children who help their family and appreciate their blessings are a joy to parent. And RLU can teach your children to be truly thankful. 

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

I Thessalonians 5:18

  • RLU turns children into capable and confident young people

In the blink of an eye, those young children in your family will be young adults, hopefully ready to take on the world. As young adults, they need excellent interpersonal skills. They must be able to communicate well, to read people and situations. They need practical skills. They need to be logical. They must keep their word, manage time, be honest, and get things done. But, these things are not taught in books or in school. If you don’t see these skills in your children, get busy teaching them Real Life University. It matters more than any school subject. It won’t be long before they grow up and head off into the big, wide world. Don’t send them out unprepared. 

…aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.”

I Thessalonians 4:11-12

How Do You Get Started?

Just click right here to get my detailed, personal Real Life University List! The list shows you the specific skills we consider essential for our children before they graduate our homeschool and head to college or careers. And just so you know, this list has served our family well. Our adult children are competent, friendly, cheerful workers, and have a variety of skills in many areas. Even our youngest pre-teen is a cheerful gardener, does chores each day, and is respectful and productive. Seriously. You can see these same wonderful skills develop in your own children with RLU. I love helping families begin this journey because the benefits are amazing. I’ll share more specific ideas and methods to help your family do Real Life University, so get my RLU list today!

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