Throwback-I Almost Missed It

Throwback-I Almost Missed It

Throwback! Exactly twelve years ago today, I wrote this about our son, Houston. Now, he is a high school graduate. But, I remember those small, soapy hands in mine and his little boy voice singing with me. Somewhere along the way, my little boy no longer needed me to help him wash his hands. He grew up in the blink of an eye, and I’m so glad I didn’t miss it. We mothers never know exactly which precious moment with our little ones might be the last. So savor every little moment. Twelve years from now you’ll be glad you did. 

Friday, May 30, 2008

I Almost Missed It

I was in the bathroom unloading laundry from the hamper. I finished that task just as my youngest was finishing up on the potty. While he pulled his pants up in the way that 5-year-old boys do (simultaneously tugging on the waistband while standing on the legs of the pants) he chattered away at me about things he’d been measuring this morning with the measuring tape.

“Hmmm. That’s nice,” I answered absentmindedly.

As he struggled with his pants and chatted happily, my home manager’s brain thought, “If I hurry, I can get my hands washed before he gets ready to wash his hands. Then I won’t be stuck doing the whole hand-washing song and routine he still likes to do with me. That way I’ll have time to start a load of laundry before I get lunch on the table…”  

Can you believe I almost missed singing “This is the Way We Wash Our Hands” with my sweet son ~ for laundry?

I almost missed those precious little soapy hands in mine, sharing the cool water from the faucet, our faces almost touching above the sink. I almost missed hearing his high voice singing along, and his soft, slippery hands cupping the water till they are full, then sloshing it onto mine to rinse. I almost missed the last verse that helps us remember to dry on the towel together. I almost missed the kiss I get every time we finish that song. Can you believe I almost gave that up?

I almost missed it, but I didn’t. Thankfully, God tugged at my mother’s heart just in time and I felt a catch in my throat when I realized what I’d almost done. I’m so grateful He did that for me. I kicked the laundry aside for later. Then I savored those few precious moments together, just the two of us, bent over the bathroom sink singing and soaping.

But I almost missed it.  For laundry.

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